Justice Tso

Kuwan Heyheya

15" total height
including feather

This Kuwan Heheya Katsina Doll, also known as a Colorful Heheya Doll, hails from the Hopi Pueblo and is a prominent component of the Pueblo’s group dances.

Often chosen for the Niman Kachina on First Mesa, these dolls are accompanied by Kachin Manas who dance in a separate line, rasp and kneel during certain points of the rain-invoking ceremonies. T

he Kuwan Heheya and the Hemis Kachina are tasked with asking the supernaturals to bring rain to their partly matured crops. Two side dancers also usually accompany the Kuwan Heheya: the Uncle and the Youth.

Justice is a younger carver from Second Mesa. His father is well known carver and Hopi tour guide, Gary Tso. His brother is also a carver, Paul Tso.

Gallery Price: $420.00


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